Separation of the Value Masses

Separations of the Value Masses
Robert Moore, 2014

oil on canvas
70 x 96 in
(177.8h x 243.8w cm)

"In Nature there will always be variations of values within the light masses and within the dark masses. The challenge is to see these variations within the context of the whole. The darker lights must still belong to or relate to the light family. The lighter darks must still belong to the dark family. The darkest light will always be lighter than the lightest dark and the lightest dark will always be darker than the darkest light. If you are only focused on the light mass and forget to keep it in context with the darks you are prone to paint the light variations too dark. Another way to understand this is to think of a first grade classroom and a tenth grade classroom. The tallest first grader will always be shorter than the shortest tenth grader and the shortest tenth grader will always be taller than the tallest first grader.  When we deal with values we have to be aware of all of the masses and maintain a clear separation between the masses of light, the masses of medium, and the masses of dark." Robert Moore

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