Trailside Galleries is pleased to announce Nouveau Trail a show of new works by Colorado based artist Thomas Blackshear. The newest collection of studio works will be available to view from September 7 through September 19. An Open House will be held at the gallery on Saturday, September 19. Thomas Blackshear is the 2020 Fall Arts Festival Featured Artist celebrating Arts in the Tetons. He will be signing posters of his painting "Hunter's Watch" at the gallery on Friday, September 18 from 1:00- 3:00 pm.
Thomas Blackshear graduated from the American Academy of Art in Chicago in 1977 and soon after went to work for the Hallmark Card Company in Kansas City, Missouri. While there, he met the famous illustrator Mark English and became his apprentice for several months. By 1980, he was working as head illustrator for Godbold/Richter Studio and two years later became a freelance illustrator.
Known for his dramatic lighting and sensitivity to mood, Blackshear has produced illustrations for advertising, books, calendars, collectors’ plates, greeting cards, magazines, postage stamps, and national posters. His clients range from Disney Pictures, George Lucas Studios and Universal Studios to International Wildlife and National Geographic magazines. Additionally, he has illustrated thirty United States postage stamps and a commemorative stamp book titled I Have a Dream.
Following his successful one man show at the gallery in September of 2019, these newest studio works continue his theme of Western Nouveau, whereby the paintings combine a representational approach imbued with a stylized and decorative flair.
Thomas Blackshear is also this year’s Fall Arts Festival Featured Artist celebrating Arts in the Tetons. His painting Hunter’s Watch, is scheduled go be auctioned off on Saturday, September 19 in the town of Jackson, Wyoming. Blackshear will be appearing in person at the gallery to sign posters of the painting however, given the ongoing health protocols, the exact date and time for the poster signing is still pending. Please call the gallery for further updates.