Brenda Murphy, b. 1955, Dallas, TX, United States
Brenda heard the call. It came to her as a child standing with her mother before the painting, “A Dash for the Timber” by Frederick Remington at the Amon Carter Museum in Ft. Worth, Texas and as a young woman who fulfilled a life-long dream of owning her own horse. She heard it again while visiting area cattle ranches where she bonded with those whose way of life she so admired. There was no denying the call on Brenda’s life. It was to express her passion for the West through her gift with pencil and, later, brush.
Murphy held an extensive career in graphic design and illustration, however, after several years she closed the door on the corporate world and began her personal journey. That foundation proved useful as she moved into the world of fine art. Brenda’s artistic journey continues to progress as she challenges herself to grow. She remains loyal to her subject of horses and ranch life but her tool box has expanded from paper and pencil to include oil paint, canvas and brush.